- Río Cuarto Material Area. July 2022. Boiler maintenance and start-up of building heating equipment.
- YPF. Los Perales. May 2022. Minor maintenance of gas turbine: change of injectors and hot part.
- Seaboard. Oran, Salta. January 2022. Major maintenance of Siemens 60MW steam turbine: generator and turbine bearings replacement and insulation, stator cleaning, stator and rotor partial scale testing, rotor sandblasting, turbine-generator set alignment, control valves maintenance, generator intercooler cleaning, generator and gearbox major maintenance: gearbox adjustment, cleaning and alignment. Condenser overhaul.
- Cargill. Los Cisnes. December 2021. Automation of auger opening and closing, hopper entrance guillotine automation.
- Pan American Energy, Cerro Dragón. November 2021. Major maintenance of 60MW gas turbine: replacement of generator and turbine bearings, turbine-generator set alignment, gearbox replacement (Graffentaden), exhaust repair.
- Arsenals Battalion No. 04. Holmberg. August 2021. Maintenance of screw compressor: change of separator filters and maintenance of minimum pressure valve. Hydraulic test of air lungs.
- Generación Mediterránea. Río Cuarto. July 2021. Plant maintenance tasks.
- YPF. Los Perales. March and April 2021. Minor maintenance of gas turbine: change of injectors and hot part.
- MSU Energy S.A. Villa María. January 2021. High pressure steam pump maintenance: change of pump and motor bearings. Alignment. Vibration measurement.
- Municipality of Las Higueras. Las Higueras. January 2021. Structural erection of municipal building.
- Arcor. Arroyito. January 2021. Minor maintenance of Siemens steam turbine: replacement of bearings in gearbox and generator.
- Generación Mediterránea. Río Cuarto. July, September, October, October, November 2020. Plant maintenance tasks.
- MSU Energy S.A. Villa María. August 2020. Maintenance of high pressure steam pumps: change of pump and motor bearings. Alignment. Vibration measurement.
- Generación Mediterránea. Río Cuarto. June 2020. Pratt & Whitney aero-derivative turbine maintenance.
- JIC Agro Division. May 2020. Structural erection of office and garage building.
- ParexKlaukol. San Luis. January 2020. Repair of baghouse.
- YPF. Los Perales. January 2020. Major maintenance of 60MW gas turbine: generator and turbine bearings replacement, rotor sandblasting, turbine-generator set alignment, gearbox bearings replacement (Graffentaden), rotor balancing, filter and pre-filter replacement.
- Central Térmica Parque Pilar. December 2019. Major maintenance of steam turbine Franco Tosi 160MW: replacement of generator and turbine bearings, rotor sandblasting, turbine-generator set alignment, control valves maintenance, generator intercooler cleaning.
- Energía del Sur. 2018. Major maintenance of 60MW steam turbine: replacement of generator and turbine bearings, replacement of last and penultimate row of blades, rotor sandblasting, turbine-generator set alignment, control valves maintenance, generator intercooler cleaning.